
The Church of the Almighty AudiOgre

Expanding Understanding through Sounds

Mission Statement

To share the joys of sound with the world through field recordings, sound design, and other audio recordings, installations and creations.


It is our belief as members of the Church of the Almighty AudiOgre (hereafter referred to as CAA) that sound holds immense power to heal, to educate, to expand one’s mind and expose us to new feelings, sensations, and experiences.

We hold that these feelings are not the result of a supreme being or otherworldly spirit, prophet, messiah or other being which may be construed as a god, but rather as the direct result and correlation of human reaction to sonic input.

The CAA hopes to spread its beliefs through whatever means possible and to engage the general public in order to educate humanity about the important of sound, field recording, sound design and the sonic arts.

The CAA will attempt to achieve this goal through the creation of sounds, the capturing of sound throughout the world and sharing of sounds when appropriate either privately, commercially, or in a public manner.


Under the guise of the CAA, worship is not a rigid activity that is formally practiced on a certain day or at a specific time. Instead, worship within the church consists of listening to sounds, analyzing recordings, cleaning up and cataloging recordings at the user’s leisure; that is, when they are able to find the time, have the inclination and the desire to expand their minds via sonic ingestion.

While there is no formal amount one must worship, it is requested and hoped that Church members will engage in worship at least once per month for no less than twenty minutes.

Places of Worship

A Place of Worship under the CAA is defined as any place one may listen to sound recordings which they feel enrich the private or personal lives. This can be a private space such as their living room, bedroom, project studio, etc., or a more public venue such as an auditorium, rental or rehearsal space or other place where sound can be listened to.

Member Dues

Although it is a Church, the CAA does not require dues or other membership fees from its members. The CAA operates solely on donations from followers and anonymous donors.

Member Benefits

Besides a stronger connection with humanity and the natural world via the consumption and recording of sound recordings, members also have the ability to use materials owned by the CAA to further enhance their enjoyment and interaction with nature, music, media, and other sonic experiences.

Community Outreach

As a religious organization, the CAA wishes to educate the public about the techniques and enjoyment of field recordings, sound design and the sonic arts. We intend to host presentations, lectures, tutorials and other informational sessions which expound our belief system both in public and via social media outlets.

What is the AudiOgre?

The AudiOgre is a parable for the way most people ingest audio data. That is, they are not inherently aware or cognizant of the meaning and detail of what they hear on a daily or even minute-to-minute basis. The AudiOgre reminds us to take a step back, look under the metaphorical bridge, and listen with intent to hear what is there but may not be immediately recognizable.